Karaoke Files on USB

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by BenEadir, May 1, 2009.

  1. BenEadir

    BenEadir Member

    Apr 4, 2008
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    Hi all,

    I've searched elsewhere on the forum without success. Can anyone point me in the direction of some Karaoke files I can download? I just bought a "Karaoke DVD Player" with USB functionality and the theory is if I can download Karaoke files to a USB drive, plug the USB drive into the DVD player and off we go.

    This is a once off for a family occasion hence the lack of knowledge of what I'm doing or where to go to get the downloads.

    All and any comments/PM's both positive and negative gratefully received.


  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    guess what.. karaoke disks are copyrighted so direct download locations would amount to linking to pirate content.. and I'm not doing that..

    cd+g and sunfly are the magic search terms for karaoke disks and files.. try googling them.. you will need the right burning tools and players (winamp has a cd+g plugin XD) to do anything with them. It's advisable to check what you find... because I have seen somebody have a great night... the text on screen turned out to be all Japanese.. in a room with 150 guests all expecting entertainment.. excellent.. I haven't laughed so much in ages....

    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2009
  3. BenEadir

    BenEadir Member

    Apr 4, 2008
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    Hi Varnull,

    I'm sure your intentions are good but yur assumption that I'm looking for pirate content is way off the mark. Linking to download sites doesn't = pirate content. Ever heard of a little online store called iTunes?

    I'm new to Karaoke and genuinely looking for help here. If I have to pay for licensed download content then so be it, no problem. Is there a Karaoke iTunes type site for legally downloading content? Are there any free or low cost sites where cover bands play slightly amended 'versions' of popular songs or songs which are so old they are no longer covered by copyright/license issues?

    Would apreciate some pointers here.


  4. Gurenn

    Gurenn Member

    May 10, 2009
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    what karaoke files are you referring to? the midi version with lyrics or files with .kar extension for your PC or the one with videos?

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