katrina's wrath check this out!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by l8nights, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. l8nights

    l8nights Guest

    Just a quick reminder to remember our fellow inhabitants of this planet earth I figure it is fitting to post this as so many of us will overlook others hardships and those faced w/ devastation on a level that most of us can not comprehend

    so I plead to you if you’ve ever donated for the likes of dvdd dvd-rb or payed for any dvd or nero although be it a good cause and investment If you are like me and have kids who love there movies
    Consider this right now there are kids who love they’re parents who are no longer w/them after the past couple day’s of flooding and gale force winds pple are left w/out any worldly possesions and some w/out loved ones

    I pray that the greedy fat cat’s that are slowly taking away everything we love (dvd decrypter napster and that sort) have not turned our hearts as cold and greedy as they themselves are.

    I was watching the news and thinking I wish I could help while viewing a grown man weeping for his wife (that the flood waters ripped out of his grasp) while holding a kid in each arm when it hit me we have become quite the large network between the numerous forums and if just a hand few out of the thousands take a look at the link I am providing and decide to help than quite a great help we can be
    please give it a gander > http://www.redcross.org/donate/donate.html

    ps any admins viewing this if it need be moved please keep it visible and if you like sticky it
    as we are quite a massive and powerful group as many have seen recently
    and for those of us that are members on other forums please feel free to copy paste this any where
  2. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Thanks for the link. May GOD bless the souls of those negatively affected by the storm. I will definitely donate. We may even send people to aid the restoration effort (military) so best believe I'll be helping in any way I can.
  3. l8nights

    l8nights Guest

    your not half bad uniique1 it seems though we are a great number that most need to know if there is any good porn out there more than caring about those that have nowhere to call home
  4. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Thank you. Your character speaks for itself, simply because you took the time to post this thread. In response to the later part of your post "There is a time and place for everything"

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