Have got a 2x chip sagem dbox2.I have just flashed sportster pro and everything went blank. All I get on the lcd is KEIN SYSTEM.Have tried flashing a previous image but nothing seems to work! Anybody have any ideas. Thanks,
looks like you flashed a 1x flash version image to a 2x flash box all is not lost http://netwave.redirectme.net/dbox/ifa English version of flashing software and document can be downloaded all you need to provide is a valid image
Flashed the new image.All went well.Can't get any channels so tried to hook up to laptop.When I went in to network settings on dbox no ip address.How can either get address on box or flash new image over existing?
Go to SETTINGS menu and make sure DHCP is OFF, move to IP address and input sometiong likre subnet Restart network settings, back, "SAVE SETTINGS NOW" and all should be well. If usinf IFA you don't need an IP address on the box at that stage. If using FTP then input the IP addreess you put on box, if Nokia DBox2 then you need username= root password= dbox2
it may be set to DHCP and if you dont have a DHCP server on your network, it wont be able to get one just set a static IP Address.
Have loaded commando 5. What or how is ht ebest way to get a services xml or channel list for wickford in essex