i need it so that i can leave it running when i go out and it will track the web sites and any passwords entered during the time it is on
there are ways within windows to check internet activity without a Keylogger. Do some googling. oh and Stop invading peoples privacy... unless they are your children (doubt it) and if they are your children just get a filter so they can't go to naughty sites and oh yea...stop invading peoples privacy.
i have to do this as we think that there is some one which is abusively sending pictures so iam wontin to get the password and find out what this person is saying so i can sort him out like i sed i will like people to help me on this topic not people who are no help
Yes i agree Gumball the reason i wish the key logger is to keep an eye on my room network as i have a suspicion my little sister is using one of my computers. I have private info on it and if she has been logging on i can atleast change her pass to msn so she will not go on for any other reason again. i dont want other solutions but if you could help me id more than greatful. (preferably remote as i have 4 comps in my room running at the same time) thanks