i just got the killtrocity map pac onto my xbox and it starts up fine. but every time i try to play it goes thru the countdown the screen then goes blank makes a weird sound then i go back to the start screen. in the read me that came with it, it said to disable the auto update in order to play game. i dont know what to do, can somebody please help?
I'm not sure whats the problem. If you got it in iso then it should run fine as long as xbox live isinstalled on ur xbox. maybe a map is currupted or even missing. Tinker around and see if other maps work. if others work then the map u are playing is corrupted or gone. the disc may be damaged(if it is on dvd)
this happened to me, Make sure your fonts folder and shared.map are both in your maps folder. To disable the autoupdate, go to E\Tdata\4d530064\$u\Rename the three files in there to have a 2 at the start ex: 2default.xbe. if you want the autoupdate back, take the two off each file name