Kinda New At this DVD backup thing and need Help

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Stangracr, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. Stangracr

    Stangracr Guest

    Hey Guys I have an Issue....

    I just recently bought a Lite on 411s DVD RW and I'm having issues. The main issue is that I can't get a good burn with it. What id does is I can get it to burn but when I play back the dvd it Gets blocky and locks up the dvd player. If I try to play it in another computer it locks the computer up and if I try to play it in the computer I burnt it in I crashes my dvd player software.

    Now it dosent seem to matter how I rip the dvd or what I use to burn it, I still seem to have the issue. I have the latest Firmware and I'm using DVD Shrink to rip. I have also used Smartripper and DVD X Copy to rip and I have used Sonic, Nero 6 ultra, DVD X COpy, and DVD Shrink (I know it's a nero Plugin) To burn and I still get the same thing all over. It reads then starts blocking up and locks. There have been a few times that the dvd player would come up saying the there was a disc read error.

    Also take in to accountthat I have burnt about 12 good backups, but I have also wasted abouit 40 discs trying to get this issue fixed.

    Is there anyone that has run in to thins before? And what other info do you need to help me come up with a way to fix this?

    Thank you for any help you can offer.
  2. john179

    john179 Active member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    The first thing i would look to is the media you are using as you must be doing something right to have backed up 12 good ones.Your burner is fine i have one myself and it burns everything.My NEC 2510A as not under gone all the tests yet.Even though i find it a good drive on the tests ive done my 411s has proven its worth so i know what it is capable of.The 411s loves the yellow Datawrite dvd's it eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner.Feed it on them and you will have good results.If you follow the guides for the software you are using from this site you will not go wrong.
  3. Jetster

    Jetster Regular member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    Also check the compression level with DVD Srink. To much and gues what
  4. Stangracr

    Stangracr Guest

    Thanks for the advice. I was just hoping that the dvd burner wasn't messed up because it would be the second one I've gotten because the first one wouldn't even open after I put a disc in it.

    At first I was thinking it was a buffer issue because I Bought a Bulk 100 pack of DVD-r off price watch then I got a DVD+R Bulk 50 Pack on sale at Office Max. And Thats when I Got a Hit or Miss with Backing up my DVDs. However I can Burn Data All day long and It has no issues.

    I'm running a test right now with it because My hard drives were partitioned in half. So I thought there might be a temp folder space issue or again back to the buffer.

    What do Ya'll think on that?
  5. Stangracr

    Stangracr Guest

    The Compression Level on DVDshrink Never Gets Below 75%.
  6. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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