kryptview 700 bin file

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by tjdorse, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. tjdorse

    tjdorse Guest

    Hello everyone, could anyone help are there any new updates for the kryptview boxes, i last updated mine in april but have lost some chanels tried to do factory restore no improvement
  2. malci

    malci Guest

    Don't have the Kryptview but check out Eamo's FTA Library at the bottom of my post, there does appear to be an update of Sept.08 >>>>>>
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2008
  3. tjdorse

    tjdorse Guest

    thank you i will check it out.mick
  4. malci

    malci Guest

    Your welcome, good luck :)
  5. tjdorse

    tjdorse Guest

    i last updated my arnet in may08 is this the latest update. plus i am trying to get hd working are there any boxes which will do this.mick
  6. malci

    malci Guest

  7. tjdorse

    tjdorse Guest

    i did but the bin file is dated back in may allthough the file in 4 share is dated sept08. which took it from green screen to blue. i can't load the file anyway computer will not talk to machine, i am on the right com port but might not have the right driver installed to talk to box. i had this problem last time but can't for the life of me think how i did it last time, it could be the cable but would you have the drivers to the rs232 cabl.mick
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2008
  8. malci

    malci Guest

    Mick, please remove your email address, ther is no drivers required for the NULL MODEM lead, if you are using an adaptor (USB)then go to the Starview link at the bottom of post and you will get the drivers for that there. Also are you using windows Vista, if so then forget it and get to a PC with OS. XP with the correct 9 pin serial port on, and again there is instructions on how to flash your box in Eamo's FTA Library, good luck and as I have said I do not have a Kryptview to hand.
  9. tjdorse

    tjdorse Guest

    Malci , thanks for the help , my prob is that i am on vista both with desk/ laptop. i go to pc world see if i can get a adaptor. i let you know how i get on.mick
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2008
  10. malci

    malci Guest

    You would be better off at Maplins (Bit Expensive), or you can pick one on fleabay much cheaper, see link. Also I am not advising you to go down that path unless you can get to/or the loan of a PC with OS. XP this is important as you will not get it to work on Vista, read the item description requirements.>>>>|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318
  11. tjdorse

    tjdorse Guest

    thanks Malci, i have installed a com port card and now waiting for a windows xp disc , it should come b4 monday and then i should be in full swing again. ive got someone looking into why vista dont work i know its something to do with vista security, he going to try and disable the files which block the information exchanging if it can be done he will sort it.mick
  12. malci

    malci Guest

    If you get it sorted as to what it is, please post - it would be interesting to know and would be benificial to other's that are encountering problems with Vista, although I do notice that on the link I posted above it does state the following. Driver supplied with product, compatible with Windows 98SE/ME/2000 and XP (Vista driver availible for download)

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