please help i have a kryptview a750 box and a ntl box the kryptview was working fine until 3days again when no or bad signal has appeared but when plug in ntl box perfect signal does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong with it
did someone remove a cable? Is the cable loose? have you got a splitter on the cable? How far is the kryptview from the source cable? is it in another room? could be a host of things, check all your cables and leads are in good order, remove an splitters and connect the box directly to the source cable. Connect it to the correct input. If you are still getting a no signal issue while the other box is working, could be the tuner. But do the above checks firstly
try keep it to one thread, helps peeps to help you. If you done all the above and double checked. If your the subbed box is working well and the krypt is not working using the same set up, then it sounds like a tuner problem, its under warranty, send it back