Hi evryone is there a new binfile for my kryptview the latest one i have is dated 12.7.09. i can't find a later one please help, been to 4 share and i can only find 12.7.09 which i already have.
Hi, lost movies prem and some sport. I have rescan several times.i will replace the binfile and try that you never know.
i reckon its your provider, nothing to do with firmware, just put the box in standby and it will rescan and they will come back, remove any splitters if you are using them, dont know why folk mess with firmware when chans go missing, check the providers site first for outages and then do a rescan if required. There have been probs with services in the UK
I cant understand that myself we come on give them advice and they still go off and do their own thing worth a laugh if nothing else LOL
thanks for that, i know N-L have been in the box on street.can't really go moaning at them , i have noticed internet a little slow so they probaly is a fault in the NG21 area. do you know any way round of getting from sky plus box , i no longer subscribe to sky but they will not give all the freeview chanels what are free without paying £18 month. what box do you recomend to get free view chanels through sky dish.
Thanks for that, i down loaded a satbook of the net which gives you all the freq and numbers for every chanel but the box still blocks some of the FTA chanels. if you press back up hold it in and take lead out of the box re connect release back up button it down loads all the latestsoftware from sky and it still blocks some chanels. i now get 103 chanels i never got before shame it mainly crap. i will try and compress this sat book put it in a reply as i dont know how to get it to 4 share its worht a read.