Got my box a few weeks back updated OK, remote OK but finding it tends to freeze while using the EPG, usually while scanning through the channels. Doesn`t happen all the time and just when using the EPG. Anyone else had this problem as its getting annoying having to turn the box off as this sometimes jumbles all the channels and I have to re-scan.
when you flashed your box did you have any splitters on your cable, try reflashing your box with cable direct from 'wall port' to your box then scan in your channels, dont forget to do a factory reset if you are doing a reflash, but first try this menu ,system settings, other settings where it says tv type it should be on pal, but try ntsc, then go back to a/v output settings and tv signal try cvbs or rgb, eg: pal+cvbs, pal+rgb, ntsc+cvbs, ntsc+rgb lets know how it goes.
I`ve flashed it from a direct connection a couple of times now to get the channels back in order, each time using factory default. It froze three times today, once while I was out and not using the box. I`ll try changing the settings tommorrow but if no one else is getting a similiar problem could I have a faulty box? Do kryptview have a good record of reliability? I bought it from Skywonder anyone know what the`re like for dealing with problem boxes after they`ve had firmware upgrade?
if you go into the forum you will see a thread for kryptview you may get a few more answers there also it would be ok to get on to skywonder and ask if they will replace your box if it is faulty!!
skywonder are good dealers,if you rearrange channels on kryptview they will automaticilly be put back in order same as a cc your time setting correct also as this may be out.