Going to buy a new box, live in dublin, just want to see what you guys recommend???? Kryptview or starview????
I'd say Kryptview, too many faulty starview's, although other than the faults I like them. Up to you really. EDIT: Only "The box super USB" will work on nthell Ireland from starview but there are other brands that work.
there have been a lot of faulty kryptviews over the last few weeks but id say the new stock is going to be much more stable .. ive got a starview usb two weeks so far so good and i can watch my films off my memory stick so there is another use for it .. we all know kryptview was first with fix but is any box going to be able to handle nagra 3 prob not so they will prob all go together but its your own personal choice at the end of the day and most companys are eager to sell you the digivox usb so they might be trying to get rid of their stock with that one cos its cheapest
I'd go digivox usb too. Great menus, cheap, support wasnt great when the N2/3 streams came out. But i've never heard of a faulty one, loads of faulty KV's and there out of stock again
I think they were only faulty due to demand (rushed manufacturing) so they hadn't got time to test them properly and had to make them quick. I'm happy with mine the remote isn't great but its better than nothing. Do the above 7 times and you MIGHT get a response, better than reaching with a stick lol.
i have both starview usb and kryptview and am getting a digivox usb 2morrow for the kids room , i was lucky my kryptview remote is ok, they all do the same thing at the end of the day, except kryptview came out with support first, but that does not pause&record like other 2.
if your remote is not working, get one of the kids to change the channel, thats what was done in the 70's and 80's, never done us any harm. he he he