I received a Kryptview box, and immediately flashed it, did a scan, and its decoding every channel. However the remote control is practically unusable. Buttons eventually respond after pressing them many time. It doesn't matter how close to the IR receiver I hold it. I used the remote to raw program my Harmony 885, as the harmony didn't have the a750 on its DB. However, the harmony is worse if anything. Any solutions, or did i just get a faulty IR receiver?
If you have a mobile phone with a camera, switch it to camera mode. Point the remote at the camera lens and press some buttons , and you should see the infra-red LED flashing on the mobile screen. If you don't see it flashing, then yes, the remote is dead. If you do see it flashing, then it's not the remote.
Did that. The remote is def working. It had no problems "training" the harmony, was very responsive then. It seems to work a bit better in the menu system than when cycling through channels/epgs.
You could see if the IR is loose from the dispaly panel You will need to disconnect your b0x from your TV and mains. Open the screws around the b0x and take the top panel cover off. You should see a small connector near the front of the b0x connected to the display panel , check it and make sure it is tightly pushed in as it may have come a bit loose . Put cover panel back on and connect back to the TV and see if it works now .
Already tried that. Its hard to tell with IR receivers, had similar issues with a popcorn hour. Turned out to be the hard disk in that case! I'll leave it for know, and try plugging it in tomorrow while its dismantled, and see if I can get a better response. Failing that, I've still got 7 days to send it back.
the kryptview remote is unresponsive at the best of times, but ive found if your signal aint the best it gets even worse A huge downside with the box
Mine is the same(slooooow) and I read somewhere (cant remember where) that it is a generic problem with these. Someone said he bought a remote for an older kryptview on ebay and it works faster. Im holding out for a bit to see if any other solutions come out.
If you can find yourself a remote from the older kyptview this is the best and a lot more responsive too.
I've had dodgy remotes for other devices before. However, when i set them up on the Harmony, it was much better. I don't intend on using the original remote anyway. Btw, this is not just slow, its almost completely unusable i.e. takes me about 5 minutes to cycle through the channels.
Ya i have the same problem i just tried the tick that celtic71 said and i can see the remote workin .. so i just ordered a remote of fleabay there so see if it BETTER i will ost back with an update
Spoke to the seller on the phone. He said that the remotes did give a certain amount of problems, but in my case it def was a fault. So i'm getting a replacement box..
New member, similiar query, got everything set up fine, however when the screen comes up on the Tv to do a channel search the remote is not working at all, so I cannot start it. The channel button on the unit allows scrolling down but cannot move accross to the channel search. Have two boxes and both have same problem .Anyone else experienced this?
I've been told that the manufacturers are aware of this problem on certain boxes, and will hopefully be releasing a firmware update in the next few days. Seems that firmware is a much likely cause of this issue than a faulty IR sensor. I'll post back if or when I hear anymore.
hi,have two k/V in my house.one remote stopped working,the other remote works both units fine.changed batterys etc,still not working?.tried the camera trick on both the remotes and found the remote that is not working flashes a lot slower on my phone than the good remote,any ideas what might be wrong?thanks in advance.
sounds like a issue with the remote itself, could be damaged, they are in fleabay for 4 quid, so would pick one up at that price