eli asensin xp:n uudestaan ja ihan pieni hetki sen jälkeen taustakuvani lähti ja tilalle tuli sinisellä taustalla teksti: security warning! a fatal error in IE has occured at 0028:c0011e36 invxd<01> + 0010e36. error was caused by trojan-spy.html.smitfraud.c *system cannot function in normal mode please check you security settings *scan your pc with any available antivirus/ spyware remover program to fix the problems. avastin, spybotin, antispywaren, adawaren olen laittanut mutta ei auta, pyörii hitaasti ja teksti siinä työpöydällä pysyy. mikäs neuvoksi kun en jaksaisi asentaa xptä taas uusiksi!
Google on yks parhaista virustorjunta menetelmistä tossa ois ohjeet englanniksi These seem to be quite good solutions. They work with XP/2000 but can work with win95/98, too, with little changes: 1) Kill task "wp.exe" 2) Delete "C:\wp.exe" - You will also see a file called "C:\wp.bmp". This is the image you see on desktop (the blue screen) 3) Delete all registry entries with "wp.exe" in them 4) Uninstall SecurityIGuard (some security, this is the wolves guarding the henhouse) 5) Fix registry settings to allow control panel tabs to be visible: If you are familiar with working with the registry it is quite simple to activate the missing tabs on control panel. The following keys (if present) must be deleted. HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System NoDispBackgroundPage NoDispSettingsPage NoDispScrSavPage NoDispAppearancePage Back up your registry for safety. Delete the "System" key.[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] It will allow you to change your background and enable browsing etc of wall paper. I am able now to change wallpaper again. Overwrite all entries in registry and the root directory that display "c:\wp.bmp" or delete them entirely!
Touhusin saman kiusan pois tuolla varsin yksilollisellä ohjeella: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=75890
[bold] Cathunter [/bold] Hyvät ohjeet. Varsinkin kun tuossa mainitaan myös nuo [bold] Virtual Maid [/bold] ja [bold] Search Maid [/bold] Täytyypä laittaa muistiin.