Hi people, I'm kinda new to all this different types of mpeg 1, 2, 3 & 4 stuff so Im hoping someone can help me. I have been downloading film files from [bold]BitTorrent[/bold] for a while now & watching them no problem. To be specific I have been [bold]downloading listed KVCD files which appear as .bin & .cue files[/bold] respectively when the download is complete. I am then using [bold]NERO[/bold] to burn the .bin image as a KVCD film file on a cd & then watch the film on my DVD player. Nice & simple yea? No problems... Then... I have downloaded several film files which are listed on the respective sites as [bold]KVCD format[/bold] but... when I download them they are recagnised as [bold]mpg files which are recognised by Media Player[/bold] as such. But when I try to play them in Media Player they stick & jump around like a jitter bug... its kinda like they have already been encoded...?? The files are just singular MPG files as what would normally apper should you download say a divx movie. So I was scratching my head wondering how I was gonna burn the mpg files onto a cd to watch as a KVCD on my DVD player... still with me? I then had a bright idea... or as it turned out an extreeeeemly dim one. [bold]I used ALCOHOL 120% & loaded the MPG file onto a virtual drive. I then set it up so I would be creating a .bin file as an output file from Alcohol under the assumption that I would be able to then burn this as a KVCD file.[/bold] [bold]Suffice to say it didn't work... the .bin file was WAY too big to be burned. Something in the region of say 960MB[/bold] My query is this. [bold]How do I burn a mpg file as a KVCD please???[/bold]
It appears there is some confusion. First, K(S)VCD is a type of movie compression, that is a mpeg (mpeg-1 or mpeg-2) file encoded in a different (Video-CD non standard) way. MPEG-4 is a way to call the Xvid compressed AVIs but these are not mpegs but AVIs (compressed mpegs). With a mpeg movie file, properly configured [for a VCD you must have a MPEG-1 file with resolution = 352x240(352x288 if PAL); for a SVCD you must have a MPEG-2 file with resolution = 480x480(480x576 if PAL); K(S)VCDs are similar but are either smaller mpeg files with = resolution or have similar size but with a higher resolution] you can make a (K)(S)VCD. Nero is the worst way to make a (K)(S)VCD with them, because directly encodes + burn the (K)(S)VCD into a CD-R from the starting mpeg; VCDGear an VCDEasy make a (K)(S)VCD image, first (bin/cue) that you can burn with any burning application (Nero, CDRWin, Alcohol 120%...). I still cannot understand which kind of file you have: an .MPG? An .AVI? A .BIN/.CUE set? A .DAT? Depending on the kind of file you have you can use/convert them from one type to another [mpeg for VCD to mpeg for KVCD, PAL <--> NTSC , DAT --> MPG and so on] read the numerous 'sticky' thrads or simply burn the cuesheet (.CUE) with any burning application you have, if it matches you system (PAL or NTSC)]. For example, from a MPEG-1 (PAL or NTSC? Detect this with VCDGear) you can make a brand new PAL/NTSC (S)VCD ( http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/110106 )or, encoding it again with TMPGenc (and therefore you can choose among PAL or NTSC) + the non-standard KVCD templates, a KVCD ( http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/124272 ). Post again after you have more precise questons and I'll be able to answer you.
Firstly, thank you aldaco12 for posting a reply & attempting to answer my query. Ill attempt to clear the confusion up. Usually when I download film files that are listed on the TORRENT sites as KVCD I download a BIN file & a CUE file as standard. I then use NERO to burn the image to a disk & hey presto... A full film on a CD!!! GREAT!!! no encoding or reencoding goes on at any stage. I download .bin & .cue, open nero select .cue & burn to disk. However, The files I am downloading are still listed as KVCD but I am actually downloading an MPG file. NO BIN & NO CUE. I want to put this MPG file onto CD in KVCD or VCD format so I can watch it on my DVD player. I hope that is a little clearer.
in nero start a new vcd. if its mpeg2 start svcd. you need to uncheck the box with make compliant vcd if nero is not showing any sign of reencoding you've get it right
Yes. If the movie is in cue/bin form you can directly burn it (it's a (S)VCD image). Otherwise you must have a mpeg(mpeg-1 = vcd mpeg-2=svcd) and make a new (S)VCD with either Nero (which I don't approve and I said why) or VCDGear which makes a cue/bin VCD image set instead ( see http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/110106 ). KVCD = more or less VCD (they are just mpegs) but the mpeg you use are a little different (they are encoded with the TMPGenc's KVCD templates instead of the standard Video-CD ones). In any case, if you don't encode a movie (.AVI or .MPEG) with TMPGenc first, you must keep it as it is, i.e. if it's a PAL/NTSC (S)VCD you are forced to have a (S)VCD in PAL/NTSC form! But, alas, encoding = losing a bit (even if small) of quality even if TMPGenc's setings are the best you can use, that is video ===> Motion Search Precision = Very High Quality (very slow).
When I had a kvcd file cue/bin it was meant for a 800mb cd but since I dint have one and it would not burn to dvd by default(because it was made for cd) this is what I did. 1.extract the mpegs (there were 2) using vcd gear 2.joined the 2 mpegs into 1 mpeg using file joiner 3.converted the mpeg into dvd files using win-avi 4.burnt the dvd files to dvd using NERO
Wrong. A "80' CD-R" is not a '700 MB disc' but is a [bold]360,000 sectors disc[/bold]. And a sector = 2048 bytes for data, 2352 for images or audio discs. Have you seen a cuesheet with written on it FILE “C:\MYDATA.ISO” BINARY TRACK 01 MODE1/2048 or FILE “C:\IMAGE.BIN” BINARY TRACK 01 MODE1/2352 ? That means a 80' CD-R = 360,000 * 2048 bytes = 737,280,000 bytes (703 MB) if you burn a data disc (other bytes are ECC=error correction codes and EDC=error detection codes) and 80' CD-R = 360,000 * 2352 bytes = 846,720,000 bytes (808 MB) if you burn an audio disc or a cue/bin image (like the ones made by VCDGear, which are 10-11 MB larger than the MPGs you use to make them and therefore you can fit about a 797 MB .MPG file into a 80' CD-R used as a VCD [but it won't fit if you directly burn in as a data disk becaouse you'll have only 703 MB of free room]).
well, thank you all for replying to my problem. Everything is sorted out now & I'm burning MPG to VCD & KVCD with no problems using VCDGEAR. Thanks.
Got this one, I know just what you mean. To burn a KVCD using Nero and the files you start out with are NOT .bin and .cue files then do this: OPen Nero NOT Nero Express, now choose VCD when dialog box changes you need to UNCHECK make compliant video then choose new then drag and drop over and burn. DONE dude. Your Mamma drives a Vega mR|mAGOO