kvcd doesnt play in my dvd player

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by copythis, May 26, 2005.

  1. copythis

    copythis Member

    Feb 23, 2005
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    to all that can help,

    i am trying to convert a kvcd file which is in bin/cue format into a file which is playable on my pioneer dv-434. obviously kvcd isnt playable on my model so i need some help. i have downlaoded vcdgear and tried to convert but didnt really understand the guide that was posted. can someone give me a step-by-step instruction on how to convert to a playable file? i noticed only 2 option in the vcdgear: vcd and svcd, my fiel is kvcd! please help1 i am completely new at this.
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Why don't you directly burn the cue? Isn't the (S)VCD compliant to your system (PAL/NTSC)?

    If you want to extract the movie to re-encode it and to change its system (PAL <-->NTSC):

    [bold]Stay in the [vcdgear] screen [/bold]
    1) select cue/bin --> mpeg calling it e.g. 'movie.mpg'
    now you have a 'true mpeg' that I assume you'll convert to a mpeg compliant with your system PAL --> NTSC and vice versa
    Let's call 'movie2.mpg' the converter movie compliant with your system.

    [bold]Go to the [video-cd] screen [/bold]
    Select VCD below the 1st line (you're making a KVCD with a KVCD file, not a KSVCD with a KSVCD file, I suppose; otherwise select SKVCD)
    2) select mpeg --> cue/bin (cd image) selecting the output's name.
    Press Start.
    Now you're a new cue/bin (thet's why I asked you why to extract a movie: to re-encode it? Otherwise, just burn the cue/bin..

    3) burn the CUE/BIN with what you prefer to use (CDRWin, Nero, Alcohol 120%....)


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