L and R speaker have different output voltages?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Halyto, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. Halyto

    Halyto Member

    Aug 5, 2008
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    I have a Philips FW330 Mini Hi-Fi System stereo (old)
    I want to make stereo sound reactive LEDs.
    So i measured the voltage from the points of the hi-fi where the speakers connects to.
    The left speaker has 9 volt and around the 400 mA
    the right speaker 19 volt (or it was 18) and around the 900 mA

    Is this normal? how can i change it if possible?

    The hi-fi system does not have any speaker options like disabling the left or right speaker. that can only be done by disconnecting the speaker wires.
    There is also a Dynamic Bass Boost function on the system(dont know if it matters)
    There are only 2 speaker.

    SEE for a small picture: [​IMG] edited by ddp
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  2. onya

    onya Guest

    Just for my own edumications, aren't speakers measured in OHMS resistance? or is this a point specific voltage at the amp supply stage?

    not hijacking..just querying. The words "where they connect to" got me intrigued.

  3. Halyto

    Halyto Member

    Aug 5, 2008
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    yes its 6 OHMS but i mean the voltage the speakers receive from the hi-fi system to work.
    i want to make a sound reactive led for example by soldering a LED between the speaker and the hi-fi systems wire.

    something like this:

    [hi-fi system] [LED] [SPEAKER]

    and of course with a resistor.

    its not the best way to make a led sound reactive but this should work right. or is this method only possible with psp's speakers


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