Lag in gaming?!?

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Pop_Smith, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Hi everyone, i recently put togeather the rig in my sig (lol, im a poet and i didn't even know it). So, i booted up Generals and the videos run laggy, they run faster on my Dell (Intel 1.3Ghz, 640MB RAM, 64MB Nvidia Graphic Card, 120GB 7200RPM hdd).
    I updated the drivers on the graphic card (gigabyte 6800 GT) and defragged after i installed the game (and saw the laggy videos) the videos still where not smooth. Even though the videos aren't a big deal, as the game runs fine (and quick i might add), i just want to fix my problem if at all possible.

    Anyone know where my problem could lie?

    P.S. I ran the game both on the original CD then on the Alcohol image, it lagged both times.
    Also, I always used Alcohol on the Dell, so its not the image as far as i can tell.
    P.P.S. I went disabled all the Windows Services so my config looks like the "Power User" option which you can find here:
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2004
  2. Divinus

    Divinus Guest

    Damn it, I was just surfing and reading and saw something that outlined a problem with video playback and the 6000 series cards. I'll try to find it again. I'm almost positive it's a driver problem.
  3. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    ok, ty, if you find the link please post it.
    From what i have read too, i am not supposed to use Nvidia's drivers on my graphic card (which sounds unlogical to me) but, if someone could clear that up for me i would be happy.
  4. Divinus

    Divinus Guest

    Ok, i can't find it, but most likely it was on I read a lot of articles from there. I also talked to a friend who said it was a known problem with video playback as the graphic card uses 100% cpu when playing back videos. He said other drivers would help and I think Nvidia is going to fix it in next driver update or they already have.
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    what directx version you using
  6. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    9.0c, I updated (again, lol) the drivers to the latest ones on the Nvidia website, defragged (again) and the videos still lag, the opening sequence is unbearable (the ea games sign takes 3-4 seconds to land and do its flashy thing, when it should have taken no time at all)
    The game runs perfect, I put the resolution on 1024x768, details all on the highest setting, and it ran as if it was on the lowest detail setting, not a noticable difference. But, i want to be able to watch the videos, as i should be able to with the hardware i got.

    P.S. Sorry for my complaining, I'll stop as soon as i fix my problem :(.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2004
  7. Divinus

    Divinus Guest

    Yeah, It's definitely something to do with the card's drivers. Nvidia is working on fixing it I believe. The card forces the CPU to use 100% to playback video so it lags like crazy.

    I'll try to find the article once I stop lazying around lol.
  8. Divinus

    Divinus Guest

    Pop, I have some bad news for you. My worst fears are correct. This cannot be fixed by some driver update. That's what I remember reading.

    Read this thread for more info. I think the original thread came out on
  9. Divinus

    Divinus Guest

    If those reports are indeed, correct... I'd have the CEO of Nvidia's head on a stake, lol.

    Some paid nearly $500 for these video cards and they could never have descent video playback. I suppose it's not that bad seeing as it still plays games blistering fast.

    Still, for the high end of the line you'd think they would have tested it a bit more.
  10. Pop_Smith

    Pop_Smith Regular member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Thanks for that, maybe i'll take my card back and get a different one while i still can :(.
    Maybe that will explain my low scores on 3DMark05, after driver updates and such, i retested and got a score of
    2606, which still sounds low (maybe its not, I dunno).
    One think i dislike, according to the Nvidia website, i gotta e-mail gigabyte with my question, this sucks as i gotta get serials numbers and crap off the card :(
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2004

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