Laptop battery problems...won't charge!

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by mrducky34, Apr 29, 2007.

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  1. mrducky34

    mrducky34 Guest

    Okay, I am getting really frustrated. I have a year-old gateway, and the battery just basically died several months ago. I sent it to some "Battery Refill" company, and they agreed to refill it. I paid for their services, and they just sent me my battery back, which they say they have refilled. But it is just like before, I plug my laptop in to recharge. After about 4 hours, it's still not done. I turn on my laptop to find it's at 8%. I tried charging with a different AC adapter, so I know that's not the problem. I'm going to call the company on monday, but I dont know if I should do anything between now and then. I also haven't checked if the gauge is malfunctioning, or if the battery just won't hold a charge. Should I? And what else should I do?
  2. ffg7

    ffg7 Regular member

    Apr 20, 2007
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    another possibility is the circuitry in the laptop is not working. is the laptop still under warranty?
  3. mrducky34

    mrducky34 Guest

    haha, i wish...
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