All of the sudden, my laptop is not reading my DVD/CD Rom drive!! I go to my computer and it doesn't even show it in the list. The device manager says there was a problem when loading the drivers. I have uninstalled the drive and reinstalled the drive and the same problem comes up. I even did a system restore to go back 3 months and that didn't help. This is my work laptop so I don't have the XP disc for it. Well, I have one but it's not the one that was insatalled on it. Any suggestions?
And if that dosnt work try cleaning the lens with a lens cleaning rag. Also im going to be spending more time in Consoles threads (I.E) xbox.
That's no use to him. He didnt say the drive isnt reading disks; he said his mobo/pc isnt recognising his drive! Cleaning the laser is going to get him no-where. And why do we care about your time in the Xbox forums? Enlighten me.
Check your BIOS setup! it should tell you what key to press to access it when you first switch it on, normally DEL or F11 or F2. If the CDDVD is not seen in the BIOS then its either: 1) Disconnected - check your internal connections, it shouldnt happen but I have known the IDE plug/connectors inside to work looose on occasion. 2) Dead - it could be dead. accept it, it happens. theyre normally standard external connectors, and so most are interchangable,borrow a friends, buy a new one if nesc.
is it seen by the bios? is there an error code like 39? Joshua30, what was that post about? nickberry, laptop rom drives use a different connector from desktop pc's so your 2nd idea won't work.
[bold]ddp said:[/bold] who said anything about a desktop pc? - only you! i, [bold]obviously,[/bold] meant to try with another laptop CDVD whose connectors are, as i stated, standard, think about it!
If you want to install another laptop dvd drive on your own, rather you than me. Do you realise how ridiculously complicatedly fiddly that is?
what are you talking about? 1) switch off the laptop, and turn it over. 2) flick the bay release catch, slide the CDVD out of its bay. 3) slide the replacing laptop CDVD in to the bay, the catch clicks. 4) turn the laptop over and switch it on. thats 4 whole steps. how is that fiddly? you tripping or something Ripper?
But it's not something that people are as confident in. Anyway, stop argueing with everyone, we haven't even heard back from the original poster as to his problem yet. Lol.
nickberry, not all laptops are like that as mine isn't. any i encountered that do like that were p2\p3 types not newer ones. don't try to start a flamewar with me as you'll loose big time. how many computers both desktop & laptops have you worked on?
honestly. touchy touchy. Obviously you would win a flame war - you are a moderator - duh! FYI: i have been a hardware engineer for 10 years now and have watched laptops since the days of 486 processors, I have 2 P1 laptops (1 is a TIME the other an ACER - which i found on a wall on my way to work), both of which have ejectable CDVD and Floppy bays. I have a 486 Compaq laptop that also has an ejectable CDVD / Floppy bay. I am currently writing this on a P4 laptop that also has an ejectable CDVD bay. after much rooting around the junk in the garage I was able to find half an HP laptop that didnt have an ejectable CDVD, so I will conced the point, but only because the topic is boring me anyway... lol
i might not have been an engineer but have been playing with computers for almost 23yrs. i deal more with hardware than software but am fairly good at that too. my current amd 1500+ laptop has the rom drive built in as does my friend's 2 p4 laptops. maybe have worked on 4 or 5 laptops if that that has removable rom drives.