Laptop help please,sony viao

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by wolfie53, Oct 3, 2005.

  1. wolfie53

    wolfie53 Guest

    hi all
    i have recently damaged my vaio screen and have attatched a monitor to it.I am having a problem with viewing,in the way that i cant watch a movie on the monitor it's just a black screen and my mouse cursor freezes.
    Yet on the broken laptop screen(what little i can see) both work fine on that.
    1st does anyone know how i can dissconect my old flatscreen attached.
    2nd does anyone know why my monitor fails on the viewing of movies?is there a program that sorts it out easily?

    Many tanks guys
  2. peex

    peex Regular member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    what graphics chip does that laptop have?
  3. wolfie53

    wolfie53 Guest

    ATI rage.
  4. wolfie53

    wolfie53 Guest

    ati rage

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