I have a HP laptop i'm having a wierd problem. It keeps restarting, it wont let me get to the desktop. Its a continuous loop. If i kept it on all day and didn't touch it, it would restart over and over again. I've read alot of forums i cant find a good solutio other than reformatting the OS. Any help would be appreciated.
One of my customers had a similar problem. Only her computer kept on restarting due to huge spyware and virus problem. I cleaned out the HD and reinstalled the OS and everything was working fine. If you have enough time before your laptop restarts try to back up your files and clean out your HD.
thats the problem....i can't get into safe mode or anything. how do i back up the files if i can't get into windows at all? Do u think maybe its a hardware problem not a virus?
The only way to find out if it is a hardware problem would be to reinstall the OS, then see if teh problem persists. Does it also restart if you're in safe mode? What if you went to some boot option screen and just left it there? If it still restarts, it might be something overheating.
-@seb32 But if he reinstalls his OS that'll erase all his files. -@jmorris23 It could be a virus, but if you want to back up ur info, you can get a bootable mini os like Slax, and just transfer all ur data to an external device. Thats what I did.
Am I missing something here? You stick in the cd, and boot from it. Then, you agree to all the licence crap. Then you start recovery console off the CD, and choose "Non-Destructive Recovery".