So I'm puzzled. I was using my laptop earlier today with the battery. "no AC attached" I stepped out the room and came back after 10 minutes to see that my computer had restarted for some reason, and a message saying "less than 1% of battery life left, charge it or change it" so i went to charge it but also took notice that the mouse wasn't working but everything else did. so i shut it off and went to school. Came back home, tried to turn it on and nothing. So here is what i don't understand. I'm leading to a dead battery because right now I'm on that same laptop running without a battery and plugged straight into the wall. When i put the battery in, it shows the battery at 0% but its not showing the charging icon and turned off in a few minutes. If i go to turn it on nothing happens once again unless i take the battery out and run it straight with the AC.
yea its a dv6000z. But i got it running again somehow. Now the only thing is my wireless goes out than i reboot my system and its fine. Last night i turned my computer off to fully charge the battery and now it wouldn't recognize my wireless even though the router/modem showed full connection so i had to connect via cat 5 I was just about to go freeze the battery too, but on the last shot it worked out
I have the same problem with the same laptop. Apparently there is a defect which makes the charging circuit "shut down". There Is no reliable fix. I expect that it might happen again. If the charging system stops completely, you may have to rely on an external battery charger or be stuck running the laptop on AC power.