Lasonic DivX DVD Player With Removable HDD Tray

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by unabled, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. unabled

    unabled Guest


    I bought this product from tigerdirect not knowing its capabilities and likewise not aware that it would be shipped without the hard drive.

    My question is - if I invest another $100 in the removable harddrive onto which I can slide downloaded movies - will I be disappointed?

    As it is I can watch downloaded movies fairly nicely on my computer monitor. Am I dreaming to think I can download a movie, slide the download over to the removable hard drive, unengage it from the computer, insert it in the DVD payer and the movie will acutually play on the televison?

  2. arielgo

    arielgo Member

    Dec 23, 2005
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    Works great. No problems at all. Plays everything you throw at it
  3. unabled

    unabled Guest

    Thank you. That is very reassuring. Will purchase it right after the new year since I haven't been good enought this year to expect Santa to bring it to me.

  4. arielgo

    arielgo Member

    Dec 23, 2005
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    11, has the best deal for $87.99 and free shipping. It works so great that I just purchased an extra one.
  5. unabled

    unabled Guest

    yes, I saw that, and I believe e-cost has one for $95 something. I just can't find a affilliate that will give me credit for an e-cost purchase. I'm stil waiting for my Lasonic remote. The Lasonic tech (Jeff) said teh numebrs were not working and told me to send it in, whicn I did, and still have not received a replacement.


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