My old CRT is on its last legs, I've had for about 7 years. I want to get a LCD to replace it, because of my small desk space. Is there a minimum requirements from a video card. I have a NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440-SE card (64 megs of ram I think). I'm not much of a gamer, just general use computing. Is this card OK. I'm looking at a NEC aslcd51v-bk black 15" lcd at newegg. Any advice on a monitor and requirements would be helpful. Thanks in advance. Hogan
A LCD monitor operates best in it's native resolution. It can display other resolutions but has to stretch them and scale to fit. That means the graphics might look a little stretched or squashed and text might not be as clear if you try to run anything but the native resolution. Probably that would be 1024x768 for a 15". That would be the only requirement other than the physical cabling requirements that ddp already mentioned. The problem I have seen switching to an LCD mostly affects gamers with an old video card. They run Doom 3 or another high requirement game at 800x600 ok, but when they switch to a 19" LCD monitor with a 1600x1280 or even 1280x1024 native resolution the older card isn't powerful enough to display that resolution at an acceptable frame rate.
Thanks for the advice. Like I said, I don't play any games so I shouldn't have any problems. Native res is 1024x768.