Just recently, my dvd player/burner (Lite-On DVD RW LDW-411S) does not play my DVD +R's. It will play a factory DVD (example: Dodgeball Unrated Special Edition) but will not play anything (television or movie I've burnded onto my DVD R+. The burning programs I use are ImgBurn and ConvertXtoDVD VSO Software. I don't know what I did to make this problem come about and I've no idea which direction to take to solve this. I'm not familiar with proper firmware or codecs. I use Windows XP operating system, my computer is a Gateway. Any help given is appreciated.
tbaio, The last firware issued for that burner is 3+ years old as the burner is getting a little old for the newer blank media. Firmware tells the burner how to set up the burn for that particular blank media. You might consider relacing the DVD burner as the burners now are really cheap. Imgburn can tell you the firmware version you are using. Go to Mode -Write and on the upper right hand side after the name of the burner is 4 letters ( i.e. FSOK). That is the burners firmware tbaio
Thanks so much! The firmware was actually FSOF (ATA). Is this too old? Can you suggest anywhere to get a new burner if need be? Can new software be found online? I'm sorry for all the questions but I'd like to start playing and burning my discs again. I first thought the problem was the discs.
Well your firmware is up to FSOK so you are a little behind. Newegg is a good place to buy Computer parts and the DVD Drives they have are at the addy below Firmware: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?category=4&manufactor=17 Newegg Burner's: http://www.newegg.com/ProductSort/Category.asp?Category=10&name=CD-DVD-Burners-Media
The problem still might be the disks. Have you tried any Verbatim DVD Blank Media? What burning software are yyou looking for and what do you need the software to do for you?
Mike, no I have not tried any Verbatim discs. I've always used the Memorex discs and they worked fine until this issue come up. Is there any way to upgrade the firmware on line? Thanks so much for your help.
tbaio , Go to the firmware site I listed above this one and find your burner and the look for FSOK as that is the last firmware listed for that burner. D/L it and install it. If you are not sure how to do it get a friend to do it for you that has done firmware upgrades. It really is not that hard to do. Memorex disks have no quality control and people really do have problems w/ that media. If not now they will in a few years when the disks start to flake and you can not view the DVD. That is why the Good Quality blank Media is recommended. Verbatim when it is on sale can be bought for $12.95 for 50. Check the Sunday adds for BestBuy or OfficeMax as they have been selling it recently
Mike, one last question: once I download the new firmware, will I still need to purchase a new burner? VErbetim sounds like the way to go. I'll give those a shot once I'm on my way.
tbaio , If the burner can not properly read the MID Code on the blank DVD's then it can not properly burn the DVD's. You can try the Verbatims and see if the burner can read the code properly but evidentially you will have to buy a new burner as the MID codes do change