hey lethal, is there any way you could post the link to your ipod videora guide because i'm having trouble with videora and i heard that videora works well. THANKS.
http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/244629 Stickied to the top of the forum Scroll down the first post a bit and it'll be there.
The videora part is at the very bottom of the guide. any questions, feel free to ask By the way, how did you know I had a Videora guide when you couldn't find it? o_0
lethal, some one told me about your guide, so i decided to ask you about it, but i have another question: i went to the site for dvd decyrpter but they said it was no longer there, i was wondering if there is any other good decyrpter and if you could tell me how to use it with videora. Thanks a lot.
@ whitehot3 well u could also go to Google and type in "DVD Decrypter" and it'll show some listings to where u might be able to find a good downloadable source there if you want another DVD Decrypter there is DVD FabDecrypter.
whitehot3 - there are other Decrypters out there, but, anyone over at the DVD forums we have here will tell you that nothing beats DVD Decrypter. There are many sites that still host it, you just have to look for them ;-)
thanks for your replies. i had to take my lab top with itunes back to best buy because i was having some screen problems, so im going to have to wait a bit to try these dycrypters. when i get my labtop back i'll reply. thanks