I convert an .avi file to DVD with WinAVI, then burn it with Nero OEM The movie looks good, but the top and bottom jitter slightly. Can this be remedied?
It may be a problem with the source AVI you converted or it could be the software you used. What did you use for the conversion?
PacMan777 maybe correct about the source file being the culprit but I use ConvertXToDVD to convert my AVI files and it burns it too! Does a great job.... try the free version....... it does leave a watermark logo on the final job but you will be able to see if your AVI file is the culprit or not!
I agree with IHoe on the ConvertXtoDVD program. It's one of the programs I use and it does a good job. Nero Vision 4 in Nero 7 is another I have and like to use. The trial is full function and doesn't mark the output. So anything you create is a keeper. Nero 7 is a pain (it's big) if you're only wanting to do the trial for 1 job.