Hey I don't know where to post it so I figured it was safe here.Anyways does this brand LG suck? The reason I ask is because It was a no name brand just a year ago.You couldn't even find at retail stores and now every store has it and they demand high dollar for it.I could get this brand so cheap on newegg just a year and a half ago because no one had heard of it. I went to circuit city and saw them more than sony,panasonic,philips,sharp etc and these brands have been around for decades.
Yeah same here.I guess I'm just b******g but I felt like it was another company that will get rich just because they have a higher price point.It's not like this 2bit company has better tv's than even lower price and un heard of brands much less a sony.But yet there asking for more money. I like a reputable brand that's gonna last so I wanted to reseach it.Hey I wonder how much money LG must have put out to get on store shelves so fast.And for such a high price.I'm going to stay away, I'm not rich so I don't wanna deal with the repercussions.The sales guy was practicly begging me and saying it was so great and trusted.I wanted to get others opinions first.
i've been using lg rom drives for a few years with hardly any problems. i think lg was citizen at 1 time.
My home cinema system is LG, brand doesn't suck at all as its the best home cinema system I've ever had. LG & Philips are one and the same: http://www.lgphilips-lcd.com/homeContain/jsp/eng/common/cmn000_j_e.jsp Incase you didn't know
I like and use LG as well...Hey they are all made in cina where about 60,000 chinese work and live in NAZI LIKE conditions to satisfy our western material needs of consumption.. They work 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, live in on site dormitories and get $66 a month.. Forget brand loyalty, how about SLAVE LABOUR.. This story has so upset me I think I will have to buy a bigger ipod to shut out the reality around me... see ya
One of the Biggest company in korea is SAMSUNG and LG. If you research, believe it or not, LG was Better company than samsung back in the day like 9years ago. If i was getting a t.v, my first choice would be SAMSUNG and second will be LG. The third will be philips or toshiba or sony. But i would get samsung or LG. I had many products with samsung and LG and they are both excellent product. I do own a lot of samsung and LG product and sony and they are LG and samsung is actully way better than SONY. I had SAMSUNG TV and i was so amazed by it. Than i trade that t.v for LG and the picture quilty Is almost idenitcal.
LG are a great brand, they are the leaders in HD tv and its development, last i heard they were a get together of two companies.
LG stands for Lucky Goldstar. I believe Goldstar merged with some other company. LG products are worth less than garbage, in my experience. I had a DVD burner's double-layer capability fail after only a dozen burns. I bought this drive from Newegg right about the time you said they started getting noticeable; then again, I've had tons of problems with stuff I bought at Newegg so I don't know whether to blame the drive or Newegg. I also have LG cell phones and they suck with crappy batteries and bizarre modes that seem to activate themselves. Frankly, there are enough equivalent brands in the same price range and enough vendors out there that it's not worth buying LG, if you have any doubts about their products.
dude it's not them, it's you. First of all, Newegg IS the best site for buying stuff. If you have problems EVEN it's your fault, call them and they will take care of you. SECOND LG stand for life's good. Maby you got an outdated product,defected or something. Newegg would be happy to replace that drive for you.
LG stands for life's good, but they used to stand for something else. LG are one of the leading companies in making TV's.
None of the LG products I own have made me regret buying them. On thursday a new 42" HD plasma arives at my house (again), this time its a LG, I love there products.
Maybe, or maybe I'm just getting junk from them. You're right that Newegg great customer service though - you will need it. I haven't (KNOCK ON WOOD) with any of the other vendors I deal with.
They are good, but they arent the leaders in HD, TV's or DVD's, Pioneer make the best HD's, for TV's its Panasonic, Sony & Phillips (Crt'c, LCD's etc) and as for DVD's, stuff from the bigger brands is always of high qaulity, I have Sony, LG, Phillips and JVC DVD's, they are all pretty good. That is in my experience, also from reading the WHICH? guide and several other electronic reviews magazines.
LG was formerly known (back in the 80s and early 90s) as "Goldstar", a Korean company making cheap (usually rather crap) TV sets and other home electronics. LG is a shortcut of "Lucky Goldstar". Philips (Dutch company, one of the world's largest consumer electronics companies) and LG (Korean company, making electronics, petrochemicals, etc) are separate companies, but they have a joint venture in LCD displays, so essentially LCD displays made by LG and Philips use same components (and assembly lines). Similarly, LG and Hitachi are separate companies, but they have joint venture for "optical data storage solutions", meaning that DVDR drives, CDR drives, etc made by LG and Hitachi use same components and assembly lines. For more info: http://biz.yahoo.com/ic/41/41185.html