LG DVD Ripping speeds

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Doofy, Jan 17, 2004.

  1. Doofy

    Doofy Regular member

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Hi there

    Just a question if someone can help i would be grateful my LG dvd rom i use for ripping used to rip at a low 2.2x after some advice from the peeps here i installed asppi and now it seems to be faster at ripping. It strts off at 3 times then slowly and i do mean slowly rises up to between 5 to 7.9 but this is taking a while to do, so does any one know who to get a constant rip speed with this or should i try a new dvd rom if so any suggestions on the best to go for?

    Many thanx

  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Thats about how my Sony ROM works, I used the Nero Drive Speed Checker and got about the same numbers.
    My rip time with Shrink is about 20 minutes. I don't consider that to be excessively long.
  3. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya Doofy,

    ASPI does improve the rip speed from a DVD-Rom, as you have discovered.

    The reason you are seeing a GRADUAL increase in rip speed as the rip progresses is because the data density per revolution towards the centre of the disk (the start) is CONSIDERABLY lower than the data density per revolution towards the edge of the disk (the end).

    The disk runs at a constant RPM (for simplicity's sake we assume CAV, not CLV) and data is read faster at the edge compared to the centre.

    Some film rips will be faster than others, depending on where on the disk the main film VOBs are located.

    BTW, ripping with a DVD BURNER is a different kettle of fish altogether for different reasons (this I am investigating at the moment).

    Hope this helps...
  4. Doofy

    Doofy Regular member

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Yup that Does help thanks a lot for that my average rip time is 10 to 12 mins 17 mins on a bad day at least i don't have to shell out for a new dvd rom bit more towards my new cd printer then


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