When i use my LG GSA-4167B super multi dvd burner to burn, it won't stay burning as 4x speed. It starts of as 4x burn then drops to 0.7x or lower in burning speed. It happens every time i try to burn i have it set as master, i have dma on, and i have no programs running except for my burning program.
Is your firmware up to date? What format media does your drive do this with? Hacw you tried a different format or brand disc to see if the problem goes away? You said that your DMA has been enabled ... but have you tried reinstalling your IDE Controller? Steps to re-install Primary IDE Controller (Windows XP) Right click on 'My Computer' on your desktop and select Properties. Click the Hardware tab and launch the Device Manager. Press the + sign to expand the tree of 'IDE Controllers'. Right click your Primary IDE Controller and select Uninstall. Now re-boot your computer, and Windows should automatically re-install your IDE Controller In some cases, this will solve the problem I had a drive that was driving me nuts. It wouldn't burn any faster than 2.4x and most of the time, it hoovered around 1.8x (it was an old 4x drive) I was about ready to toss the darn thing out. A friend told me to remove it from my computer and leave it out for a day or so. I removed it and used my computer for about three days without it. When I finallt reinstalled it, it started burning steadily at 3.8x-4x. I can't, to this day explain why this occured but if all else fails, you may want to give it a try.
my firmware is up to date, and i tried reinstalling the ide before. The problem still remains when i tried different brands
More information is needed at this point. What burning program are you using? What brand and format disc are you using? Post a log so that we have something other than guessing to go with ...