DVD R/RW LG GSA 4081B. NERO XP Nero recognises 700MB as 80 min CD and 800MB as 90 min CDs. When I insert a 900MB, it sees only 80 min CD (700MB)!!! Is it the LG, the computer the NERO or the CD? I bet for the CD but I see no other practical option other than buying other brand and then try again. Can anybody tell me if there is a way to check whose fault it is without having to buy different CD brands? RGDS! Pere.-
Ta! My drive is a rather standard RW DVD: LG (4081B) with firmware updated but I have no clue as to whether it supports overburning or not. Is there any easy way to know through a software test or something? It is only a few months old and if you look at the LG page, it is one of the newest. For the Nero, the options of "Disk at Once" and Enable for overburn are both checked, so I think nothing else should be necessary. Today I have checked with another brand of 100min CD and again, no way.... What does it come to mind? Pere.
Hi, I just found this: http://www.cdrinfo.com/Sections/Articles/Specific.asp?ArticleHeadline=LG+GSA-4081A&index=14 Apparently their sample drive had trouble overburning but this site had no problems overburning: http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/index.php?reviewid=219&page=Features So the other brand of media didn't work either. It may be time to ask LG what they think about the matter.