life is getting me down.i just spent $1700 on a car and now $350 to get it fixed and running good.i was trying to save up for a new computer.Ive got heaps of christmas presents to running out of xbox default dashboard is still not working and im running out of money.
should have come to me, i could have sold you a few cars.... all run great, some have already been fixed, but customer could not afford the bill, so after 30 days, we file a lein on the car, legally own the car, then re-sell the car... for a profit of course. you second option... get a second job... earn more $$$
@gear79 i believe your in america and im in australia so i couldnt buy a car from you.i dont even have a job now but once my cars running i might go out and get one @weazel200 i have every right to complain.i got a crappy computer,my car doesnt run and im almost out of money.
well i have always said get a job that always helps.I Remember when you said you loved to do nothing and live off our taxes. Well you have the right to complain and we have the right to just laugh at you......................
Whenever I wanted anything when I was younger, I had to buy it. I had no choice. Everything I own I paid for, I never got my first car bought for me, nowadays most kids seem to have everything given to them. So they then expect everything else to come easy. End result is that they simply do not appreciate what they have, as they have never had to work for it. Simple solution, if you want something, get a job, save & buy! Dead easy! You should be happy that you have a PC & a car, instead of bitchin' about it! This is the problem with todays world, it is all gimme, gimme, gimme, & all for nothing! I know you have had jobs, so get another! Learn a trade, I did a 5 yr apprenticeship to become a mech engineer. 5 yrs of college to get my qualifications. The last year I went unpaid, as I was over 21, but I wanted that piece of paper! It was worth it too. The self satisfaction is enormous. I have letters after my name, not that I ever use them! PS, they are not profanities either!! LOL!!!
@ pulsar: man i dont have the studying skills to get that piece of paper, but if you are willing to work ,most employers will give you a fair go. To this end i have worked in some of the most revolting jobs , that most people wouldnt consider.Done animal research for 5 years, worked in the abbarttoirs, powder coating, carpet manufacturing, even did a couple of years at back bracking work fruit picking.At the end of the day i still dont have that piece of paper, but i have enough experience to get a job in a few industries if i'm ever laid off.I should point out that the money i saved from all this work helped me pay for that fork lift licence and truck licence which i now use. Xboxdevil: every body here, where you live has been hiring people from overseas to fill the man power shortage because people like you are just to picky to knuckle down and accept any job that is available.Does it really matter what you do.Hers a little suggestion, if you are serious about playing xbox games maybe you should approach one of the games companys and see if you can get a job as a beta tester .The wage is pretty good above $600 per week, but there is only a select few that actually get in.
Everyone does have a right to complain but here's my list of those who should be complaining not necessarily in this order: 1. Tsunami victims of Phillipines, etc 2. Earthquake victims of India, Pakistan, etc 3. Hurricanes victims in New Orleans, Mississippi, etc 4. Hurricane and Mudslide victims in Mexico and other central American countries 5. Teenagers in the sex slave trade in Phillipines,Romania,etc 6. Helpless, innocent victims in war torn countries eg Iraq,Rwanda 7. Victims of famine eg Ethiopia etc 8. Families of victims of murders, fatal accidents, etc 9. Recently layed-off sole bread winner of a household 10. Homeless, destitute, disenfranchised individual 11. Coal miners in China 12. Population in China affected by benzene spill in their water 13. Population in Russia affected by same Benzene spill 14. Tornado victims of the US midwest eg Kentucky, Indiana,etc Just to name a few. There is poverty everywhere and I'm sure that Austrailia is no exception so just take a look in the right(more like wrong) places around you and you'll be grateful for all that you have. There are underdeveloped countries where poverty is nothing short of a death sentence. You might want to give that some thought. I don't want to come down hard on you but your complaint though legitimate to you, seems aloof to a couple of us. Having said that, I'm genuinely sorry to hear that you're having car problems and hopefully you will get some service from it before you have to spend more on it again. Such is the nature of preowned cars that were ill-treated. Often times you end up buying someone else's problem and before you know it, you have paid far more than the vehicle is worth. On the up side, take the opportunity to learn automechnics. I learn't about computer hardware the hard way. I got tech support over the phone from the guy who built me a clone. I spent the better part of 6 months tinkering inside the box and it still didn't work. What's the old saying, oh yeah!....if at first you don't succeed then try, try, try again...then quit!, coz there's no sense in being a damn fool about it -])
the main reason i couldnt get a job was cause i was sick and i live 12kms from the nearest shop and i didnt have a drivers license.i got my licence 4months ago and got my car 2 weeks ago but its still getting mechanical repairs done on it.should be able to drive it by this weekend.Im gonna see what kinda job i can get and i might or might not get one.the reason they bring in labor from overseas is cause australians wont work 50hours a week earing $8 an hour.
WHAT are qualified for.What schooling have you done.My main job 40+ hours a week pays $17 per hour for the 1st 38 hours, the rest is free.My 2nd job is only about 8hrs a week and pays around $8.00 per hour.So in total i work about 50+hours a week
i completed year 10 in high school.ive done a retail training course which includes super market work.ive done stage 1 automotive(including 20 days work experience) which can get me into a wrecking yard or apprenticeship.i did computing stage 1, information processing stage 1, and im good with computers.ive done dishwashing and general kitchenhand can also see my english skills are very good.
Actually your English sucks Hey Jamzbond, what about Hitmen? Don't THEY deserve some complaining rights? lol And here I'm getting my GED, 3 more tests to go... then hello Air Force! (no, not the chair force).
I have always found and live by my belief that the Harder I Work, The Luckier I Get! There is always and will always be an excuse to not do something. Once you eliminate the excuses everything else will follow in good form. Just my two cents! P.S. If you think life sucks, what’s the opposite??? Not a great alternative!
@ xboxdevil: your in queensland arent you! For the english why not attend a 'gate course' for people who have finished there schooling but need to improve there english skills.Its going to stand you in good stead. We have them in victoria,they come under the heading off adult education. supermarkets computers automotive kitchenhand Honestly you have enough skills to get a couple of different jobs, some will be harder than others but at the end of the day a jobs a job.(would suggest that in the evening after work attend an off campus tafe or you can do this on line and upgrade the skills you lack: these courses can be as short as 6 weeks or a year)
I may not understand the Aussie system so please correct me if needed but did you say you are a highschool student (completed year 10) or did you stop after your sophmore year?
@Ofnir1 I once watched a British comedy and the scenario was an advt in which someone was sitting at a desk emphatically complaining about the difficult working conditions of those who toiled at night, being chased by dogs, having to lift heavy objects all by themselves, having to go far beyond their expectation in order to complete a job and being harassed by the cops. All that for just a little reward. It ended by saying this is a paid announcement by the.....wait for this coz it's priceless.....the Burglars Association of London,lol. So I guess anyone can complain. On a more sobering note thought I'm concerned that they'll let you in a cockpit. What with all your flight of ideas @Andmerr And everyone who has contributed to this thread. You exemplify why AD is not just a great site, but infact the finest that there is. Outstanding job. Really.
@ mcbrat: our schooling system is diferent. Kindergarten primary school grades 1 to 6 secondary school form 1 to 6 (commonly called year 12 now) then you either: work or tafe or university. Year ten is the standard for leaving where most employers will accept these requirements as a basis that you have at least some grounding in the basics, like maths ,english etc.Its not an ideal time to leave unless an apprenticeship is there for you otherwise people generally end up on unemplowment due to the fact that there are more skilled people to choose from to fill there vacancies. With the passing of time they have improved the education system to replace year 11 and 12 with the VCE.(victorian certificate of education) which if high enough in marks allows you to advance to uni etc.Some people leave that but find in later life that they need to go back and upgrade there skills. i'M THINKING XBOXDEVIL THAT YOU MAY FIT INTO THIS CATEGORY, dont sweat it go to one of the employment agencies and get them to help you with your resume.Make your self presentable to what an employer wants and get that job.Further study may not be what you want now but in time you may just decide to go back to it and get better qualifications.Who knows anything is possible in this day and age.\ Dont take this as a lecture but maybe a guide to better things andmerr
Ahhh...thanks for the Social Studies lesson! It's always interesting to see how others do things. It seems similar yet different to the US if that makes since...LOL. I think the common thread is don't give up and strive for something better. Life does suck some time but the one thing I always try to remember when I feel like giving up is millions have gone through the same shiat before me and made it so why am I so special that I can avoid any adversities. We all have pity stories about how life has treated us unfair that no one wants to hear. How you OVERCAME the adversity...that's what I want to hear!