Lifetime Upgrades for Retail Purchases

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by waltk, Dec 24, 2002.

  1. waltk

    waltk Member

    Dec 24, 2002
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    I was reading a previous thread that online purchasers of DVD XCopy would get upgrades for life. I don't understand why spending $99 in a retail store is any different than purchasing online? Had I known I would purchases the product online. The retail store does not provide refunds. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. Otherone

    Otherone Guest

    Hi, did you mention this to 321 studios and what did they say. Feel lucky you even have DVDX copy. If certain folks get their way, DVDX will be no more. I got my 1.3 version online and have no problems so far. I still bought it even after reading all the hundreds of horror stories in the 321studio forum. I think the problems arise from buggy systems in the first place or mis-configurations. The program is really the only one that works for DVD to DVD that I know of. They have updates there on the website, but when you install the update, you will be asked for a ID and password before it will run. Did you have to register your retail copy before using it? What version did you get? The new 1.3.1 version is only 3 megs, down from 25 megs in the previous version 1.2.2 i think. I thought the $99 dollars was too high for a program that is still in the beta stage. So far they have made $15,000,000 from it. But the lawyers may get it all in the end. They always do. Nevertheless, I feel real good about paying for it and making backups of DVD's. Afterall, the movie industry thinks they have some god given right to control DATA on a disc. A CD costs a buck to make and yet they sell with data on them for lots-o-dollars. People that make backups support all kinds of other economies: the blank cd's, the expensive DVD players and burners, the programs, even (dare I say)the rented videos that had to be purchased in order to rent them. The video store. Fell guilty, I don't. And of course, all the above has to be upgraded and replaced every six months!
  3. pitt

    pitt Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I am in the same boat as you. I don't understand the difference in buying retail or from 321. I do understand that they can't let people return 321 purchased copies just to go and save a few bucks by buying retail. Seems there should be another solution. I am trying to find out because I bought from and I bought before RHMoore anounced the stipulation on 12/24.

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