Hi. I've got a Philips DVDR16LSK recorder and I want to use it on my iMac. I've bought an USB external enclosure.. There's any software that admits lightscribe recording with Mac OSX? Can I do it with Toast 7? I've been searching on Toast help, but I've found notihing about lightscribe. Thank you.
i know lacie has a program.. but that comes with the burner itself.. i dont know if you can just download that... benq or hp might make one.. but i'm guessing you wont be able to use since they're probably on hp... i have a rep at lacie... i will check for you.. i know on pc.. nero 6. something or other will let you do it.. i'll see what i can dig up.. and by the way.. what imac is that? you may wanna get the firewire enclosure if you have the firewire port.. would be faster and better for you. something like this.. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817146199
Thank you theloz714. My iMac is a G5, but I bought an USB enclousure because my father's computer is a PC, so we'll be able to use the enclosure in both computers
and that enclosure does have usb and firewire... is this the drive? http://www.vnunet.com/personal-computer-world/hardware/2141168/philips-dvdr16lsk http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a378/thelox714/large.gif
did a new one.. just easier to read.. anyways.. lacie is actually in house today.. and the rep stated that their software will work but they dont sell the software as a stand alone. i'll check with benq.