I have a Benq 1625 and am using Nero 6 and am having a problem burning a lightscribe label. The label does not cover the entire cd and is unreadable. Any thoughts on what am I doing wrong?
Not sure what made you decide to put this in the ratDVD forums. Thread moved. Have updated your drive's firmware and lightscribe software to the most recent version? Are you getting any error messages?
Sorry Nephilim....wasn't paying attention on where I posted this. I tried update the BenQ 1625 that I have, but dont see any upgrade avaliable for Vista Home. And, no error messages of any kind. I am assuming that it may be a Vista combatible issue. Im I possibly right?
No worries about the placement I'd hardly be surprised if its a Vista issue. Have you tried installing the latest LightScribe drivers or using the diagnostic tool at this link? http://www.lightscribe.com/downloadSection/windows/index.aspx