like a VCD can u create a 'VDVD"?? help!

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by tman69, Mar 14, 2006.

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  1. tman69

    tman69 Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    Hey, guys…
    I am trying to fit many video files(about 20) of about 30min each to a dvd. I already managed to convert some of the original dvd files from 700mb per file to 200mb per file. (using nero digital)
    My next problem is how on earth do I get them on dvd??? I tried to “make your own dvd video” with nero7, but the program just converts the files back to 700mb. Next I tried to make a VCD image file with nero7. Although it wouldn’t fit on a CD, I was hoping to burn the image to a dvd when it was finished. But…. It didn’t finish, I get a error every time, just at the end of the process.
    Could anyone give me some help please!!!

    p.s I got the idea when I was in Nigeria, they sell pirated dvd’s on just about every street corner. I bought a dvd with 9 movies on one 4.7gb disc for $2.5
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    My suggestion is to encode the movies using a separate encoder, then author a DVD with all the movies you made.
    It depends on the movies you have (a 352x240/288 movie can be converted to VCD with no quality loss) to choose the final format.
    After all, you didn't tell us which quality was, the one of those pirated nigerian movies.

    After you have converted your 20 videos into mpegs, you just have to 'author' a DVD with them.
    DVD Lab has the unique capaility to author a DVD contaning VCD movies (look in ) , but if you want to put many VBR DVD movies [you can make CBR movies, but they have a worse quality], you have to choose an average bitrate (and to spend more time, because the VBR encoding is done multipass).
    VCD movies are CBR and 10 MB per minute , so 4,7 GB = 470' movies.
    Otherwise, you decide how many minutes you put and use a bitrate calculator
    For example, using CM's DVDTool I can see you can put 150' clips (5 clips) with MP2 sound of average bitrate value = 3861 kbps.
    But, unless the clips ave very very beautiful, I think converting them all into VCD MPEG-1 movies + authoring a DVD with DVD Lab is sufficient. 2 DVD will contain your 10 hrs (600') of clips.
    After all, garbage in = garbage out.

    I cannot help you more, since I didn't see your clips, and I only imagine that they are few megabytes' AVIs (?). It's you the one who must decide which type of output will be needed (1150 kbps VCD [352x240/288], 1500-2500 kbps SVCD [480x480/576] or > 3000 kbps DVD [720x480/576]).
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2006
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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