LimeWire yhteysongelma

Discussion in 'Aloittelijoiden P2P-ongelmat' started by redevatro, Aug 21, 2007.

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  1. redevatro

    redevatro Member

    May 16, 2007
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    Ongelmana siis varmaankin ZoneAlarmini blokkaama portti, tai jotain. ZA:n kotisivu kertoo seuraavaa:

    ZoneAlarm Premium products allow you to open specific ports (this is basically opening a small hole in the firewall, to let certain incoming connections take place).

    1. Go to Firewall -> Main -> Internet Zone Security.
    2. Click on the Custom button.
    3. Under the "High Security for Internet Zone" heading, scroll down to where the following settings are listed:

    - Allow incoming UDP ports - Allow outgoing UDP ports
    - Allow incoming TCP ports - Allow outgoing TCP ports

    4. Check the box beside the desired setting (to open ports for a specific program, check the software manufacturer's support site for specific port information.
    5. A field will appear below, where you can type in a port or range of ports.
    6. Click OK.

    Minun ZA:ssa ei löydy tuota "Custom"-nappia, joten olisiko mitään hajua miten tietty portti aukaistaan? Muita ideoita?
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