has any 1 come across this before. a bug on sp2 which wont allow your computer obtain an ip address therefore no internet. any help please
Hey, maybe your configuration for wireless needs adjustment. Check your DNS info and make sure its set up to obtain ips automatically and make sure the dns server is not filled in. If your encrypted, check the key and make sure its right. What kind of setup do you have and when did it stop working?
thanks for the reply. everything on my end is fine cause have other computers running off the same router without XP sp2. problem is with XP. some sort kink they never sorted out. ive tried everything and im just short of taking off XP. hopeing that someone would have a fairly easy fix
Try this ................ http://www.snapfiles.com/get/winsockxpfix.html Install winsock and run.......your machine will reboot... Winsock flushes TCP/IP config.
that or look up how to release then renew your IP which could help you get back to a connected state. It is a simple process that takes about 5 minutes.