Hi All Can anyone tell me how to network my house throgh the dbox2.On my old system I went through the RF out on the sky box.Got rid of sky and then used it through the telewest box to a booster splitter in the attic and then back to all the other TV's without any problems.Since connecting the Dbox2 it does'nt seem to work. Charlie.
the RF output on the dbox only works as a bypass when dbox is off,dbox only outputs thru the scart. if you've got a VCR or DVD recorder connect it to dbox, then use its RF output. its how i've done it
Hi There Thanks very much for that.Just so as i understand you are saying for me to connect the dbox to the dvd recorder via a scart lead and then connect the co-ax cable to the rf out on the dvd recorder to go to the splitter in the attic.then I should be able to get the dbox pictures all around the house. Charlie.
aye you will, as long as dvd recorder is turned on and tuned to the scart input from the dbox(ie AV1,AV2,etc)
Hi Mate Tried that connection as per your reply but enfortunately no joy.tried all 4 av outlets on the dvd recorder but still nothing.Any more sugestions would be appreciated.
can you not get anything from the RF(coax)output on ur DVD recorder? I'll try be a bit clearer scart cable connect from DBOX vcr scart socket to scart socket on DVD. coax cable connect from RF output on DVD to TV. change channel on DVD to AV1 or AV2 tune TV to RF signal from DVD. if that doesn't work you could always try one of these http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=33050&criteria=scart to RF&doy=17m1
the rf out on the dbox is useless in the UK as they are used for some pass thru connection specific to germany.. so dont bother using this rf out connection...