WZCSLDR2.exe Entry point not found.... I have been getting this error message plus one more, when starting up my PC... I read somewhere that it has to do with upgrading to SP3, and the wireless drivers for my Linksys WRT54GS are not compatible with SP3... does anyone know how to fix this as the drivers on the Linksys site....firmware actually, is the same as the one I have in there now....
it's a common error with sp3, but i have not encountered it myself as my parent's xp home laptop is working properly (wired and wirelessly) with sp3 and WRT54GS v4. but the WRT54GS is running dd-wrt firmware. http://forums.techguy.org/windows-nt-2000-xp/710589-solved-wzcsldr2-exe-entry-point.html there's some solutions in that forum you can try.
thanks cee... tried that services.msg thing in the other thread which worked for that guy, but it didnt work for me. I read about that DD-WRT thing as well, but hear its complicated to configure, and not for the novice networker, which I feel I am. do you think I should just try to reupdate to the same firmware? maybe Ill try that anyway....
As an update, I still havent fixed the problem. Re-installing the firmware didnt do anything, and the advice from the other forum didnt either. Someone once told me that it has something to do with the firmware isnt compatible with SP3, but noone knows how to remedy that. And still, I am wary of that DD-WRT thing...i hear its hard to do, but easy to screw it up... hopefully someone finds a cure soon... thanks all!