Linux Live discs (No OS found)

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by themind, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. themind

    themind Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    I have tried two discs, Ubuntu and Knoppix 5.0, both run alittle program under windows and both say boot your sistom from cd tray to run the full OS. Well when doing so both say No OS found. I'm wondering if its how i burnt it. I used nero and just put the files I downloaded on a data disc just the way they were downloaded. Do I need to reorginize the files so they will boot? Is there anywhere that I can go that has an iso image so I know that its right? Or would my Vaio laptop just not like it that its not windows?
  2. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Did you go into BIOS and make your boot priority to CD-ROM then reboot system with the disc in and it should load it.
  3. themind

    themind Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    Yeah, after switching to cdrom as primary windows would still end up booting so I turned off the hard drive to see if it would boot from the disc and thats where I got the no os found message. The cdrom is working and trying to read but its not reading any kind of boot up, I think.
  4. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Just asking this as someone before had a problem and they burned the ZIP or RAR file. Make sure you extract it if it is compressed into RAR or ZIP. It should be in .ISO format. Then you would use an imgburning program like imgburn and burn the ISO
  5. themind

    themind Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    Well, it wasnt an .iso. I would have liked it to be one. It came in .RAR format and yes I did extract. Its a bunch of files .bin .exe...... and two folders.
  6. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Are you sure? Because sometimes the ISO have the RAR icon right click and properties and see what the file is.
  7. themind

    themind Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    I deleted it. Okay, lets say that it was an iso that looked like a rar and was able to be extracted by winrar, what iso burner/programe would be able to see that file as an iso?
  8. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    imgburn or poweriso
  9. themind

    themind Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    Alright, thank you. I will redownload it and try again next weekend.
  10. rundata

    rundata Guest

    Yeah man, your problem is definatly that you were extracting the iso.. and somehow expecting the data files you just put on a cd to boot..
    if you only want to play.. download DSL (damn small linux) it can be booted from a 64meg usb disk

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