Linux question?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by hk2npck, Oct 16, 2003.

  1. hk2npck

    hk2npck Regular member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    I want to install apache on a computer running RedHat Linux 7.3. it seems to install apache..i need the configure script. I am VERY new to linux...and all I have been able to do is install a few apps...but nothing configure apache, it seems that I need the configure script....(dont laugh...)contained in the root directory..well..its not there..and I am stuck. how do I get the script, use it, and finish installing apache? I have started a thread in and have gotten no response. Also...when giving instrustions...please do it step by step please...i have been using windows all my life and have no idea what i am doing....cant even figure out how to mount a freaking drive....keep that in mind....thanks in advance.
  2. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I had a lot of problems with Redhat 7.3 I jumped to Redhat 8.0 and things were a lot better. If you have high speed internet you can download a really good version from the NRC mirror site from
    I tried Redhat 9, but my Pentium 200 MMX, was not powerfull enough. Redhat 8.0 seems to be the highest my Pentium 200 can handle. In version 8.0, they added (or was added) some idiot prof stuff. As in you insert a CD in to your CDrom drive and it automatically mounted. You just need to remember to dismount. But even that it will do for you, but takes time. I didn't have trouble with apache in version 8 and in version 8 my USB devices appear and work.
    So to not answer your question, I would sugest downloading vesion 8 and installing it. It is only 3 CD's, the 4th and some of 5th is source code.

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