So i wanted to find out everyones worst and favorite movie but please only list one of each thats what makes it your worst and favorite(think about this)
My Fav. horror, A Nightmare On Elm Street (Im pretty sure sumone will says sumthin to me about it) My Worst........
The worst I had seen was Harry Potter 3. The best I had seen was Spider Man or South Park longer bigger and uncut.
I can't name any specific movie for the best, but most rotten one of all ages is Gore-Met: Zombie Chef From Hell.
No, when I'm talking about "rotten" movies I'm referring to films which are just intolerable and retarded shit. Gore-Met is good example of that genre, there isn't any justification for it's existence: Maybe it's some outer space lifeform's secret plan to torture humankind and decrease our IQ until we can't tell a difference between plate and flying saucer. People who make this kind of crap should be taken behind the barn and shot into the head - twice. Alien13, if you're seeking for some disgusting and gross, get your hands on spanish shortie called Afterdawn directed by Nacho Cerda. You won't be disappointed.
I'm a big fan of the Back To The Future Trilogy. BUT I have a 3 way tie for the worst movies I have seen: Gigli, Eternal Sunshine and Gridlock'd. I bearly got past the first 30 minutes of each movie. I wouldn't wish these movies as a punishment to anyone.
I think worst was The Lost Highway. Favorite, hard to say... I like westerns,so perhaps Highnoon and The Unforgiven.
Ohh so its one of those movies, ok. My worst would have to be...... Mary poppins Cant stand that damn movie
Worst- The Wicker Man... WTF is going on there? Best- Weird Science.. two geeks 'make' Kelly LeBrock on their computer, & she turns them into popular, cool people. oh, & its got to be Bill Paxton's finest role as the evil older brother, Chet..
Worst: Attack of the Killer Tomatos! Because It sucked ass so bad,I couldn't even watch 5 minutes of it.I enjoy B-movies,but not that one. Best: Dune Because it's one of the movies I watch at least a couple times a year,every year. I'm a sci-fi guy
Best: 7 Samurai & Shawshank Redemption Worst: cat woman <-- I can't believe watching this on the big screen myself.
That's one of my favourites, a little bit different conspiracy movie than usual. Maybe the primary reason was Halle Berry in tight leather?