I just received this recorder from amazon. 1. I do not know if this recorder is multi region by default or one have to program it using remote control? Manual provided is giving no indication. 2. I recorded from my Sony digi camcorder using the front end AV inputs which plays ok on the recorder itself but not recognised by my stand alone dual format poineer and Tosheba DVD players. It also plays in my computer ok. I am using the supplied DVD+RW which does not need finalizationas as mentioned in the manual. Any idea please?
Does the Pioneer and Toshiba recognize a + disk I don't know about the Pioneer. I have had Toshibas that will not. They will ocasionaly studder along on a +R but will Never play a +RW
LCSHG: Thanks for your response. Yes my poineer plays +RW disks which I have created using my computer. Never tried Tosheba before so you may be right here. Further more I used DVD Shrink to rip and copy my said +RW disc and reburnt it on +RW disc again it now plays on poineer but not on Tosheba!!!
To get the multi-region capability, try this which has worked with all LitOn recorders:- Region free hack: 1) Press "Setup" on remote. 2) Scroll down and highlight "Exit" (bottom box in menu). 3) While "Exit" is highlighted enter 2,9,6, and 0 and press "Enter". (When I tested on this machine, did not have to press "Enter"). 4) A hidden menu pops up and you can select your region. 5) Select "region free" 6) Press "Setup" to exit Machine is now Region Code-Free. Should work with no problems, Joth Gambold