Hi all, I've had Nero 6 for a long time without any problems. Yesterday when I tried burning a data dvd it suddenly gave me a "administrator must give you burn rights" message. I'm on the only account on this pc and it has admin rights. I tried the burn rights executable, didn't work. I tried uninstalling Nero and reinstalling, that didn't work. I uninstalled again, tried other burn software like Cheetah and freeware, but they all failed to recognize my Lite-On as a burner. I checked in the device manager and while the burner name is correct, it shows no recording tab in properties. I surfed the web and saw some advice on deleting upper and lower filters in the registry, but in the key described, there were none present to delete. I downloaded devfilter.exe and it showed redbook as upper and imapi as lower filter, but I quite frankly didn't know what to do with the information. >_< I've searched for hours on end now to find a solution, but nothing seems to work. I burned some dvds a couple weeks back with no hitches whatsoever and I really couldn't say what could have caused this problem. Anyone here who can try to help me fix it? I'm at my wits end. Thanks in advance for any rescue attempts.