LiteOn 16p9s rip speed only 6x

Discussion in 'DVD-ROM drives' started by pulsar, Apr 12, 2005.

  1. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    OK, I just got my new LiteOn 16p9s. It will only read @ 6x, according to nero cd/dvd speed test. According to specs it should read @ 16x. Anyone have any ideas why this should be? Or have I just wasted my money!!!!!
  2. Balaam

    Balaam Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Any updates on this one? Have you tried a different ripper? If you haven't already returned it, try ripping a SL dvd. I returned the 16p9s because of the poor ripping speed I experienced and because it had major problems reading sratched disks, and got a Sony ddu1613, which may or may not be a rebadged 167t. I got it because my old 8x Sony dvd-rom could rip anything I threw at it, and so far, my new sony hasn't had any problems reading disks.

    But I'm still getting subpar ripping speeds. The weird thing is, I've tried about 5 DL disks, and the ripping spead always creep up to and max out at around 8x. But the one Sl disk I tried flew past that mark and ended at about 12.5x.

    So, is this normal? DL's don't read faster then 8x, but SL's read much faster. For everyone who recommended the liteon, what speeds do you get for both DL and SL?
  3. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I've a LiteOn 167T in my main pc instead of the 16p9s. It rips a DL 7.7gig disc (League of Gentlemen) in 22mins. The plextor does it in 25 mins & the 16p9s did it in an astoundingly bad 35mins!!
    I've not tried a 4.3 gig straight copy, but the plextor (PX116-A) will rip 4.3gig in 7 or 8 mins.
    Will post back when I have tried it.

  4. LABOY

    LABOY Regular member

    Apr 23, 2003
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    I have a Lite-On 167T and just got thru ripping with Decrypter an oldie "Beaches"--single layer, encrypted 4.3G. The 167T got as high as 13.5X and ripped the entire DVD at 9.1X. I figure without the encryption it would be somewhat highter..It took a little over 5 minutes.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2005
  5. walman

    walman Guest

    I seem to have a similar problem with the same drive. Mine also is also very loud. When ripping music into iTunes, it only rips around 4-6X. But, Nero Drive Speed reports the speed as averaging 29.5X using audio cds. I also have a Liteon DVD-R 1673 and it rips music cds much faster, iTunes reports 20x.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2005

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