I have just put this drive in my PC but it won't burn DVDs annoyingly. I have tried it as master and slave and neither setting works. Also tried CS. It read DVDs perfectly but if i try to burn onto DVD-R it just gets to 4% odd and then spits it out noting an error. I've tried with Nero 7 (and upgraded my Nero to try and still the same) and I have tried with ImgBurn and DVDDecrypter. Any ways around this for this drive? Is it worth flashing or does it just need a Firmware upgrade?
yes do a firmware update, check here http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php using good media help to like Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim
I've tried an Firmware upgrade and using the latest Firmware release but still no luck. It just tends to stick on 1% until the "time estimated" has gone down to zero and then nero notes a reset and error. No idea how to go about it as it's quite annoying paying good money for a DVDRW if it doesn't work. Anyone any ideas??? Cheers loads.
I've just realised too that for some reason it reads CDs and DVDs perfectly, burns CDs perfectly and only refuses to burn any type of DVD. This is with the latest Firmware upgrade. Any tips gratefully recommended as my computer is notoriously unstable and temperemental hence why i bought this drive to back everything up.