sn:0102-0143-080-G2BD newly purchased tried to backflash to 098 but won't work recognizes data file don't bring up update message thanks coach21
Is the unit a LiteOn 5005, Is it NEW or Just newly purchased The niubers given do not seem correct The second set should be 1140 or 1840 The third set is the firmware version [080] and would indicate an older firmware version The last would be the DVD drive
Saw your post on Techolio and Harmaker reply that would seem to address the issue very well He is right about The LiteOn firmware issues I just wanted to make sure. It would seem you may have a unit that can not go back to a 098 and a hack. The two older 5005 I have can, but most older used 5005 have dvd drive problems. They can be replaced if the hack is importent to you. The Info is on that Techolio site