Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by aztec1, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. aztec1

    aztec1 Member

    Oct 2, 2003
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    Hi Iam in the process of buying a dvd recorder, nothing fancy i just want something to record boxing, i was looking at these two recorders and i would like to know wich one its better.....some say that the old liteon 5005 is better because you are able to upgrade the firmware..and some say the new 5005x its better.
    can somebody share more info on this ?
    thanks in advance.
  2. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Personally, I'd get the LVW-5005 .. I have two that I purchased about 10 months apart and updated the firmware on the older and downgraded the firmware on the newer one (firmware 098) this way I can exchange unfinalozed discs ... Great machines for the price .. Read about the differences between the 5005 and 5005X at the next two links ..

     .. and a couple good LiteOn forums:

    Last but not least, I bought my second recorder here and this is a good vender ..

     Happy burning ..
       Keep learning .
  3. aztec1

    aztec1 Member

    Oct 2, 2003
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    thanks a lot catfreak, that is a lot of good info.
    I really appreciated.
  4. aztec1

    aztec1 Member

    Oct 2, 2003
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    FYI whoever is interested, newegg have them for 109.00
  5. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    NewEgg only has the 5005X .. and the LVW-5005X seems to be running about $20 less than the LVW-5005 throughout the 'net
  6. KimTx

    KimTx Guest

    I found the LVW-5005 (it does not have the X) at Newegg for $109.00 and ordered one this weekend so they do have them. Now I just need to find the upgrade or downgrade I'll need and the hack. It uses the same hack as the ILO04, correct? Also how will I know if it'll need an upgrade or a downgrade? Will I be able to tell by the serial number? Thanks to anyone who can help me with these questions.
  7. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Let's wait and see what configuration you get .. make sure before you open it that it truly is a 5005 and not a 5005X

    After finding out EXACTLY which machine you get, you need the date of manufacture which is on the outside of the box ..

    Post this info and we'll go from there
  8. KimTx

    KimTx Guest

  9. KimTx

    KimTx Guest

    I was just looking at pictures of the actual units and the 5005 and the 5005X look completely different. The 5005X looks like an ILO. I'm thinking I should be able to tell the difference just by the picture of the machine on the box hopefully. The picture of the one I just ordered doesn't look like the 5005X. I hope it's not going to be one. I'd be so disappointed.
  10. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    LVW-5005- versus LVW-5005X what's the difference ? Have Philips DVDR-72 that is gone crappy on me gives disc error message all the time . Think that it'll be cheaper to buy LVW-5005 than to fix Philips ? I mainly plan to use LVW-5005 for copying vhs movies & recording off cable . I am also interested in what media brands work well with this unit checked compatability list on liteon website and did'nt recognize too many brands . I would also like your impression on unit quality overall especially recording qaulity in all formats! Thanx for your help . Peace & Happy Burning !
  11. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Both of my LVW-5005 LiteOns like Verbatim, Sony, MIJ Fuji and all Maxell discs. They also seem to record better with the '+' format discs than with the '-' format discs. Recording quality is very good. 1hr is better than cable quality, 2hr is cable quality, 4hr is equal to better than SP VHS and 6hr is between SP and SLP (like LP) VHS quality.

    One thing that you have to watch for is the 'lag time' when you first press record. A brand new disc will usually start recording within 1-3 seconds but .. if you have already recodred on a disc (you know, episodes and the like) sometimes it may take up to a minute! for recording to start. (Lag time doesn't seem to be a problem when you use the timer record function). What I usually do is press record several minutes before the program starts, and when the recording starts, I press pause immediatly then wait for the program to begin to start recording. If you use +RW discs, this isn't nearly as much of a problem. The +RW discs made by Verbatim are the best and surprisingly, the Philips made +RW discs branded HP also seem to work very well in the LiteOn (however my BenQ hates the Philips discs)
  12. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    catfreak- Thanx for the reply ! I am still up in the air. not about the 5005 vs 5005x question when I do decide I will get the 5005 not the x model . It's just deciding what's providing me the most benefit for my birthday and xmas buck ! you know! Decisions ,Decisions ! Anyways assuming I do get the 5005 how hard is it to do the fw upgrade or hack to non macrovision & region free ? I don't really have access to non region one dvds or video . The macrovision removal would be of more assistance to me !Backing up movies that I've bought onsale on vhs ! What I do is make dvd copies of my Vhs movie & give my originals to my brother in law who's handicapped ! Gets rid of my clutter & gives him something new to watch ! One of those rare win win situations ! I am also glad that you say the 2005 likes MIJ +R fuji's I got a fair supply of those. The only thing I don't like about the lite on is apparently if I read the information correctly is that among all the things it will do is it won't read disc I've already recorded on my philips dvdr-72 vr format ! But this would'nt be a real biggy as I could always make a copy on the computer and booktype it ( BENQ 1640) also might be in xmas future too! So I think that would solve that ! Well catfreak Thanx again for the help ! Peace Happy Burning & Catnip!
  13. aztec1

    aztec1 Member

    Oct 2, 2003
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    Hi guys i just received my dvd recorder from newegg (109 dlls), and it is in fact the 5005 not the 5005x, there is a big diference the 5005x has two trays.
    BIGTOXY69, it is really easy to upgrade it (hack it) it took me less than 5 min to do it and now is microvision (free) and region free.
    thanks everyone for your input.
  14. KimTx

    KimTx Guest

    thanks for letting me know, aztec1. It'll be a little while before mine arrives because I sent them a check. This is good news. Thanks!
  15. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    aztec1, catfreak- & Children of all ages ! ordered my 5005 yesterday from NEWEGG.COM and will check in when it arrives on how to do the Macrovison & region free hack ! Thank you both for you help & opinions as they are valued ! Peace Happy Holidays - Happy BURNING & GOOD LUCK!
  16. Camfreak

    Camfreak Guest


    I'm new here. I read this thread and decided to buy the Lite-On LVW-5005 from It went up $10.00 since you guys bought it. I paid $119.00 and $9.00 for 3 day ship. Why?, I dont know. I should have it Monday.

    I'm not sure how to change to the hack firmware. Can someone tell me how to do this. I also saw that some people bought Legacy DVD+R blanks from Newegg. Do any of you know if these are good? They have a good price of $27.99 for 100 discs and $4.00 ship. Thanks for the help. :)
  17. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Save your money .. Legacy is just another word for crappy media ..
    Go to the following link, check it out .. If you have any question, repost ..
  18. Camfreak

    Camfreak Guest

    Thanks Catfreak,
    I read the instr on that site. Which CD works best for the 5005 CD-R or CD-RW? I burn things all the time but I never tried to update a firmware on a DVD player before. How hard is it to mess up and not be able to use the 5005? Do you have to dl the latest fware and install it before you install the hack? I'm a little weary of using Lite-On's fware because they might try to ruin the hacks.

  19. KimTx

    KimTx Guest

    My LiteOn 5005 will arrive this Wednesday from Newegg. Just thought I'd let you all know. I've gotten really good service from them so far. I don't think they have the LiteOn5005 on sale anymore, but even at the regular price it seems like an OK deal. Now I don't know if I want to put it away in the closet and save it for when my ILO04 goes out, or hook it to my other TV in the living room away.
  20. Camfreak

    Camfreak Guest

    I just got my 5005 today and I'm ready to hack fware. Please can someone answer my questions above.

    I bought Memorex DVD+R's today a 30pk but I've read there is trouble with using them on Lite-on's so I'm taking them back to Walmart and getting Maxell. I wish they sold Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim but they don't.

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