Liteon DVD Burner - 812s - Burning only 1.33x

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by djgizmo, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. djgizmo

    djgizmo Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    I just recently purchased (new) a Liteon internal DVD Burner - 812s. Out of the box it seemed to work, read wise. I could read any data cd, music cd, and moview dvd I put in it. Apon DVD writing I experienced some issues though. In both DVD Shrink and Nero, I have it set to burn @ 4x, but it only burns (at most) at 1.33x. This happens when writing video or data. I've tested this on 2 different brands of DVD-R media. Have not had a chance to test DVD+R or CDR burning. Upgraded the firmware, still same affect.

    Machine Setup:

    3 Harddrives (ATA)
    1 Sony CD Rom (ATA)
    1 Liteon 812s DVD-RW (ATA)
    1 Promise Ultra100 TX2 (ATA) Controller Card
    (Which the Liteon 812s is attached to)
    Abit N7 Motherboard
    RAM: 512 MB
    SB Audigy
    GeForce FX 5200
    Windows 2k
    Nero 6.3
    Lates version of DVDShrink

    Promise controller is correctly installed. UDMA2 is setup for the 812s @ the hardware level. I did notice that I could not set the region under device manager. Error msg said had to use local media and have admin permissions. (Of course it says this even when logged in as administrator, go figure)

    I'm new to DVD burning per say, but not cd burning. I've been burning cd's since early '97, when Ricoh had one of the only 2x writers. I've had very little issues with any other CDR Drives, but it seems that DVD writing is another ball game.

    Any help would be much appriciated. Also, if any other info is needed, please let me know so I can retrieve that.
  2. djgizmo

    djgizmo Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    Hello anyone? Even to say that there isn't a solution?
  3. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Well, 1.33x - never come across that speed before???????????????

    I have just purchased an ide extender pci board but yet to fit it........

    And your issue is something that was in my mind that may occur.....

    I would assume that your media is rated over 1x - or is it?

    I would also assume you are using the -r and not the -rw - or are you?

    People are gonna recommend the 'update the aspi' route but I think you should try the burner on a fixed ide port first to maybe eliminate the pci card first......

    The fact that you cannot change the region settings maybe suggests a comms issue and may well be required to update the aspi layer........however I only use the standard spti interface under XP so could not give you advice on that unfortunately......

    The only other thing is - the HD that you are burning from - is that set at DMA or PIO - as that could cause the burner to slow up.......?

    Another possibility is that Nero may not be fully compatible with your drive.......this you will have to look into......

    I am sure another member here has experienced a similar problem and will add some more suggestions.....

  4. djgizmo

    djgizmo Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    Thank you for the reply baabaa.

    Here are some answers to your questions.

    Yes, my media is rated for 4x. Verified in Smartburn utility.
    Drive Type = DVD DUAL
    Disc Type = DVD-R (Single Layer)
    Disc MID = 43 4D 43 20 4D 41 (CMC MA)
    Disc TID = 47 2E 20 41 46 31 (G. AF1)
    Nominal Capacity = 4.03GB
    Manufacturer Maybe = CMC Magnetics Corporation
    SMART-BURN Speed Limit = 4.0X (Write)

    I'm currently testing (and most concerned about)-R "minus r" media

    Yea, I'll try to update the aspi, but if it was that I'd suspect that reading from the drive would not goes as well as it has. I'll try moving the Liteon on the motherboard controller and moving the Sony cdrom to the Promise card.

    All the hard drives I'm burning from are currently set on Ultra DMA. Yea, I did check those settings, and only saw that my 6 year old sony cdrom was in PIO mode. Changed it to DMA (doesn't support UMDA)

    I'd tend to agree with you on the fact with Nero,(since I've seen it happen with other CDR drives) but it is also happening in DVDShrink as well. 2 Programs doing the exact same thing tends to lead me in another direction.

    P.S. As my 1st contribution to this forum, I wish to let people how to get rid of those "Ghost Drivers" installed in Windows 2000 / XP.

    At a windows command prompt (Start>Run>"CMD" Enter)
    Type the following:
    c:\>set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1

    c:\>start devmgmt.msc

    This will enable you to see the hidden device drivers that are installed in device manager (even brings it up) In the device manager, then Click View, Show Hidden Devices.

    It will show you all the harddrives, cdroms, monitors, etc you've ever installed. All the "ghost" devices should show up semi transparent.
    **NOTE** Do not remove anything you are unsure of, ESPECIALLY MultiMedia CODECS.

    Anyways, Win9x users used to be able to find ghost devices in SafeMode, but since Windows 2K / XP came out it's been a pain trying to keep the device registry clean. I hope this helps someone out there!
  5. djgizmo

    djgizmo Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    Yea, I found a workaround. Seems that my liteon drive didn't like the promise pci controller. Put it on the motherboard controller and burned a 4gb dvd in less than 13 minutes.

  6. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Nice to hear you found a workaround.........and also given me something to think about when I come round to installing my ide extender....


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